Legislative Action on Election Law Bills

As the end of the 2012 legislative session approaches (just seven scheduled session days remains as of this writing), there is some action on Election Law-related legislation in both the Assembly and the Senate.

Earlier today, the Assembly Codes Committee has reported A.5857 (Kavanagh) to the Rules Committee.  It would require ill would require political committees to disclose a contributor’s occupation and employer, in addition to what must be reported under current law (their name and address).  The bill does not look likely to move in the Senate, as it is being carried by a minority member (Senator Kruger) in that house.

Last week, the Assembly Election Law Committee reported A.10157 (Zebrowski) to the Codes Committee.  It would direct the State Board of Elections to develop regulations to permit political committees to accept donations of up to $10 via text message.  Given the lack of a Senate sponsor, passage in that house is unlikely.

Also earlier today, the Senate approved S.6351 (Ball), which would allow New Yorkers to register to vote at the same time they apply for a hunting or fishing license.  It also looks unlikely to go much further, as it is being carried by minority member in the Assembly.