JCOPE Posts List of Legislative Candidates Who Have Not Filed Financial Disclosure Statements

JCOPE has posted to its web site a list of candidates for the state legislature who have failed to file “Annual Statements of Financial Disclosure” as required by Public Officers Law § 73-a(2)(a).  The statute requires any person running for the state legislature, or for statewide office, to file their financial disclosure statement within 10 days of becoming a candidate.

Read JCOPE’s press release here.

In the release, JCOPE Executive Director Ellen Biben says:

“Financial Disclosure Statements are important tools for the promotion of transparency and accountability amongst those who serve the public and those seeking election to public office.  The Joint Commission will continue to use its powers and jurisdiction to ensure compliance with State ethics laws.”

The knowing and willful failure to file a disclosure statement is punishable by a civil penalty of up to $40,000.