Should Your Organization Register as a Lobbyist?

This article from the Wall Street Journal looks at whether “grassroots lobbying” can be regulated by states.

The author is lead attorney to the plaintiffs/appellants in Many Culture, One Message v. Clements, a case in which a Seattle non-profit neighborhood group is challenging the laws of Washington state that require groups engaging in what the plaintiffs call “ordinary political speech” to register as a lobbyist.

Washington’s law appears to be broader than New York State’s Lobbying Act. In New York, entities that expend more than $5,000 in any lobbying effort must register with and periodically report to the state.

In New York, “knowing and willful” violations are punishable by fines of $10 per day for first time filers and late filing penalties of $25 per day for others

Given the potential penalties, as well as the negative press that would accompany an enforcement action, if your organization communicating with public officials, or is urging other to communicate with public officials, you may want to take a hard look at your activities to see whether they trigger registration and reporting requirements under the Lobbying Act.