Groups Call on Governor to Include Public Financing of Campaign in Executive Budget

The Fair Elections for New York campaign is calling on Gov. Cuomo to include, as part of his 2014-15 Executive Budget proposal, public financing of elections and an independent elections enforcement unit.  [Read their letter to the Governor.]

The Governor will release his 2014-15 Executive budget next Tuesday in Albany.  In 2013, the Governor proposed both measures, but did so in Program bills that were released after the budget.

The groups argue that by including the proposals in the budget, the Governor can maximize his leverage on the issue, and force the Legislature to act on it.

Read coverage of the issue in Newsday (behind a paywall, unfortunately).

Meanwhile, with the state Board of Elections’ January 15th filings out, NYPIRG takes a close look at Gov. Cuomo’s 2013-14 fundraising.  Read NYPIRG’s analysis here.