Health Headlines for Thursday, August 11

New York to go ahead with all-payer claims database, despite Supreme Court ruling


Despite a U.S. Supreme Court decision that stymied state efforts to track health care costs and quality, New York is going ahead with its plans to create an all-payer claims database in an attempt to do just that.

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Valeant reportedly under criminal investigation for allegedly defrauding insurers


Valeant Pharmaceuticals may be under criminal investigation over allegations that it defrauded insurers by hiding ties to a mail-order pharmacy that boosted sales, sources told The Wall Street Journal.

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Report: New York’s cancer prevention rating mixed

Albany Times Union

When it comes to laws to help reduce cancer rates and deaths among New Yorkers, the state’s record is mixed, according to a new report from the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network.

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Hikes In Employees’ Health Premiums To Outpace Raises Again


Large employers expect health costs to continue rising by about 6 percent in 2017, a moderate increase compared with historical trends that nevertheless far outpaces growth in the economy, two new surveys show.

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Specialty drugs main driver of employers’ health insurance costs

Becker’s Hospital Review

The rising cost of specialty drugs is the number one driver of healthcare expenses for large employers, according to a survey released Tuesday by the National Business Group on Health.

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What if Addiction Is Not a Disease?

The Chronicle of Higher Education

The Saturday morning after St. Patrick’s Day, 22 patients are locked up in a nondescript detox facility on the outskirts of a Midwestern suburb.

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New York City’s Medical Schools Will Stop Using Unclaimed Bodies

New York Times

The eight medical schools in New York City will no longer accept the city’s unclaimed bodies as cadavers, forswearing a practice that dates back to the 19th century, the schools announced on Wednesday.

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