Health Headlines for Thursday, August 25

Mylan to Reduce EpiPen Costs as Political Pressure Mounts


Mylan NV took some steps to alleviate patients’ cost burden for its $600 EpiPen emergency allergy shots following pressure from politicians including presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who called past price increases “outrageous” on Wednesday.

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Gene Tests Identify Breast Cancer Patients Who Can Skip Chemotherapy, Study Says

New York Times

When is it safe for a woman with breast cancer to skip chemotherapy?

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City says Zika warnings unheeded by thousands of pregnant women


About three weeks ago, a young woman, four months pregnant, traveled from New York City to the Dominican Republic against the wishes of her physician, Juan Tapia Mendoza.

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Doctors Get Disciplined For Misconduct; Drug Firms Keep Paying Them


Hundreds of pharmaceutical and medical device companies continue to pay doctors as promotional speakers and advisers after they’ve been disciplined for serious misconduct, according to an analysis by ProPublica.

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New Yorkers can do more on organ donations

Poughkeepsie Journal/Opinion

New York state ought to make strides on its pathetically low number of pledged organ donors, and if people need any more incentive to join the ranks, they should consider doing it for West Point Cadet Tom Surdyke.

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Tennessee insurance commissioner: Obamacare exchange ‘very near collapse’

The Tennessean

Tennessee’s insurance regulator proclaimed the state’s Obamacare exchange “very near collapse” Tuesday, after signing off on hefty premium hikes in an extraordinary bid to keep the program afloat.

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