Plugged In To Education

May 30, 2024

Coverage of updates in lower education, higher education & human services.

What’s Inside

  • Governor Commits to Protecting Youth Mental Health Before Session Ends
  • First-Ever Youth Workers Bill of Rights Unveiled to Help Protect and Empower Young Employees
  • DiNapoli Report Examines Troubling Child Poverty Trends
  • HESC Holding Open Sessions for Students and Families
  • Work Begins on Next Statewide Plan for Higher Education
  • Governor Hochul Launches Round XIV Regional Economic Development Council Initiative
  • State Education Department Awards $34M in Universal Prekindergarten Expansion Grants
  • State to Host NY State Zero Emission School Bus Technical Conference
  • NY SWIMS Capital Grant Opens for Municipalities
  • Webinar Announced on the Summer EBT Program in New York
  • Funding Opportunities
  • State Register
  • Coming Up

Governor Commits to Protecting Youth Mental Health Before Session Ends

Governor Kathy Hochul reinforced her commitment to protecting the mental health of kids and teenagers by making it a top priority to enact legislation addressing online safety and the harmful impacts of social media in the final weeks of the 2024 State Legislative Session. Finding ways to combat the challenges facing young people today due to excessive and unhealthy use of social media has been a top priority for the Governor since she first took office. With one week left of session, the Governor is focused on advancing and passing two pieces of legislation before the legislature adjourns for summer break. The Stop Addictive Feeds Exploitation (SAFE) for Kids Act will require social-media companies to restrict the addictive features on their platforms that most harm young users. The New York Child Data Protection Act will restrict online sites from collecting, using or selling personal data of anyone under the age of 18 without consent.

First-Ever Youth Workers Bill of Rights Unveiled to Help Protect and Empower Young Employees

Governor Kathy Hochul unveiled New York’s first-ever Youth Workers Bill of Rights to educate first time workers as they prepare to enter the labor market by explaining the rights all NY workers enjoy as well as the protections that are specific to workers under 18. A copy of the Bill of Rights can be found here.

DiNapoli Report Examines Troubling Child Poverty Trends

A new report by State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli details troubling child poverty trends across the state, including a child poverty rate that is one of the worst in the nation and alarmingly high in some cities. DiNapoli’s report found nearly one in five New York children live in poverty. In addition, when compared to other U.S. cities with similar population levels, Albany, Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo have child poverty rates that are double the average rate of their cohort cities. Read the full report here.

HESC Holding Open Sessions for Students and Families

The Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC) is currently hosting a wide range of virtual events that can connect students and families with the information, resources, and financial aid experts they need to help them navigate the college application and financial aid process. The website (found here) is updated daily and includes items such as “FAFSA/TAP completion events”, “What Juniors Need to Know”, and “Common FAFSA and TAP Errors”.

Work Begins on Next Statewide Plan for Higher Education

Every eight years, the Board of Regents, in collaboration with the higher education

community, develops and adopts The Statewide Plan for Higher Education (“The Statewide Plan”). The Statewide Plan sets system goals and objectives and addresses priority matters of statewide concern to the State’s residents, workforce, and community as well as our institutions of higher education (IHEs). The State Education Department issued a bulletin which signals work is to begin for the 2026 – 2034 statewide plan. SUNY, CUNY, independent, and private colleges are to submit their master plans to SED by April 29, 2025. This webpage provides information and resources related to the development of the Statewide Plan.

Governor Hochul Launches Round XIV Regional Economic Development Council Initiative

Governor Kathy Hochul announced the launch of Round XIV of the Regional Economic Development Council Initiative. Round XIV includes $445 million in core capital grant and tax-credit funding combined with a wide range of programs from eight state agencies, including $100 million in grant funds from Empire State Development (ESD), available to projects on a continuous basis. The Councils are encouraged to support projects that advance or address strategic state priorities – including distressed communities, childcare, innovative public-partnerships, and green buildings and sustainable development.

State Education Department Awards $34M in Universal Prekindergarten Expansion Grants

Earlier this month, the New York State Education Department awarded $34 million in Universal Prekindergarten (UPK) Expansion Grants to 64 school districts across the state. The grants will enable districts to establish new full-day prekindergarten placements or to convert existing placements from half- to full-day.

State to Host NY State Zero Emission School Bus Technical Conference

The NY State Department of Public Service and representatives from NYSED, NYSERDA, and NY State Joint Utilities will host a webinar on Friday, May 31 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm to provide an overview of the State’s transition to zero-emission busing, including discussions on:

  • NYSERDA’s NY State Electric School Bus Roadmap.
  • Agency and Utility Actions taken to date.
  • Support structure and mechanisms, including fleet transition planning and available funding opportunities.
  • Recent changes to State Aid included in the enacted 2024-25 State Budget.
  • Mapping grid capacity and anticipated needs.
  • Navigating through challenges to electrification.

All stakeholders, including school district and BOCES representatives, are strongly encouraged to attend. Registration and more information can be found here.

NY SWIMS Capital Grant Opens for Municipalities

Governor Hochul recently announced that up to $90 million from the new $150 million NY SWIMS capital grant program is available for municipalities only and applications must be submitted by July 12, 2024. Awards are expected to be announced no earlier than August 28, 2024. Applications will be evaluated on characteristics of projects’ need, impact, and viability. Any additional or future round(s) are expected to be open to Municipalities and not-for-profit entities.

Webinar Announced on the Summer EBT Program in New York

Starting this summer, New York State will launch a new federal nutrition program aimed at mitigating child hunger during the summer break from school. Summer EBT will provide $120 per eligible child in food benefits that families can use to buy groceries at SNAP-participating stores and farmers’ markets. Hunger Solutions New York, No Kid Hungry New York, the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance, and the New York State Education Department will host a webinar on Tuesday, June 11 at 11 AM to provide an overview of New York’s plans for the rollout of Summer EBT. Learn what to expect in the months ahead and how you can help ensure this important new benefit reaches all eligible New York children.  Click here to register.

Funding Opportunities

The New York State Office of Children and Family Services has released a Request For Proposals (RFP) to solicit applications from qualified applicants to provide Kinship Caregiver Support Programs (KCSP) to increase the state’s capacity to support and strengthen families and promote the permanency and well-being of children. Due June 17, 2024

The New York State Office of Mental Health announced the availability of funds for the expansion of a Youth Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) team in the Central, Hudson River and Western New York OMH regions. The Youth ACT team serve children/youth with Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED), who are returning home from inpatient settings or residential services, at risk of entering such settings, or have not adequately engaged or responded to treatment in more traditional community-based services. Due June 26, 2024

The New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets announced the availability of funds for the 2024 Farm- to-School Competitive Grants Program to help Kindergarten through Grade 12 schools connect with local farmers, increase the use of locally grown food on school menus, and improve student health, while providing increased economic benefits to New York’s farmers. Applications Due June 27, 2024

The New York State Department of Health, Division of Program Development and Management, Bureau of Social Care and Community Supports announces the availability of funding for the MRT Health Homes Supportive Housing Program that will provide permanent rental subsidies and housing tenancy services to provide housing for vulnerable homeless Medicaid members. Due June 27, 2024

Governor Hochul announced up to $90 million for municipal swimming facilities in underserved communities through NY SWIMS to facilitate the renovation and construction of municipal swimming facilities in underserved communities across the state. Due July 12, 2024

Governor Hochul announced the launch of Round XIV of the Regional Economic Development Council Initiative. The Consolidated Funding Application is due July 31, 2024

The New York State Department of Labor issued a Request for Applications (RFA) for the Reemployment Training Grant (RTG) Program to secure the services of eligible organizations that can assist the by providing occupational skills training commensurate with regional priorities to unemployed/underemployed individuals to qualify them for full-time or part-time employment or if currently employed, a higher level of employment. Due August 2, 2024

The New York State Department of Labor issued a Request for Applications (RFA) for Employee Retention and Advancement Training (ERAT) to provide occupational skills training, commensurate with regional priorities, to incumbent workers who are currently in low and middle-skills occupations, leading to job advancement and retention. Due August 2, 2024

State Register

State Education Department

  • Albert Shanker National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification Grant Program (Emergency)
  • Posthumous High School Diplomas (Emergency/Proposed)
  • Education Requirements for Registration of Curricula of Licensure Qualifying Education Programs for the Professions of Clinical Laboratory Technologist, Cytotechnologist, Clinical Laboratory Technician, Histotechnician, and Histotechnologist (Adopted)
  • General Misconduct Provisions for the Health Professions and Requirements for Histotechnologist Licensure (Adopted)
  • Social Work and Mental Health Practitioner Supervision Requirements, Acceptable Accrediting Bodies for Social Work Education Programs, and the Social Work Psychotherapy Privilege (Proposed)
  • Special Education Due Process Hearings (Proposed)
  • Mixed Competition and Extra Class Athletic Activities (Proposed)

Higher Education Services Corporation

  • Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) Awards for Students Enrolled in Approved Nondegree Workforce Credential Programs (Adopted)

Office of Mental Health

  • Clinical Review Criteria (Adopted)

Coming Up

2024 Regents Meeting Dates

  • June 10 – 11 (Monday and Tuesday)
  • July 15 – 16 (Monday and Tuesday)
  • August – Recess
  • September 9 – 10 (Monday and Tuesday)
  • October 7 – 8 (Monday and Tuesday)
  • November 4 – 5 (Monday and Tuesday)
  • December 9 – 10 (Monday and Tuesday)

State Board Meetings

  • Acupuncture: June 3, 2024 (New York City, Albany)
  • Optometry: June 3, 2024 (New York City)
  • Nursing: June 6, 2024 (New York City, Rochester, Albany)
  • Medicine: June 7, 2024
  • Mental Health Practitioners: June 7, 2024 (Albany)
  • Social Work: June 12, 2024 (Albany)
  • Pharmacy: June 12, 2024 (Albany)
  • Professional Engineering, Land Surveying and Geology: June 13, 2024
  • Chiropractic: June 13, 2024 (Buffalo)
  • Public Accountancy: July 24, 2024

OTDA Meetings

  • June 5, 2024, 1:30 p.m.: Homeless Housing and Assistance Corporation (HHAC)
  • August 1, 2024, 1:00 p.m.: HEAP Block Grant Advisory Council (BGAC)
  • August 7, 2024, 1:30 p.m.: Homeless Housing and Assistance Corporation (HHAC)

Not-for-Profit Contracting Advisory Committee (NFPCAC)

  • Tuesday, June 25, 2024
  • Tuesday, September 17, 2024
  • Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Plugged In to Education is prepared by Hinman Straub P.C. and is intended to keep our clients informed about news and Legislative and regulatory developments that may affect or otherwise be of interest to them. The comments contained herein do not constitute legal opinion and should not be regarded as a substitute for legal advice. If you prefer not to receive these updates, please alert us so we may remove you from our distribution list. © Hinman Straub P.C. 2020. All rights reserved.