Assembly Passes Early Voting Legislation

Yesterday, the state Assembly approved a bill (A.689-A) that would permit early voting in all state elections (special elections, primaries and general elections).

The bill, which the Assembly first passed in 2013, would allow voters to cast their vote during an 8-day early voting period for special and primary elections, and during a 15-day early voting period for general elections.

The bill would require each local Board of Elections to designate a minimum of four early voting polling places, and to accept early ballots at their offices. These locations would be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. each weekday and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekends.  All early ballots cast will be counted at the close of the polls on Election Day and included in the election night tally. The early voting process would be the same as the current Election Day voting process.

The Assembly approved the bill by a 93-43 vote.  With no Senate counterpart, it seems unlikely that the bill will make it to the Governor’s desk.

Read the Assembly’s press release on the bill here. It notes that New York’s November 2012 voter participation was 59.5% — among the lowest in the nation.  It does not address the issue that likely led many to vote against it – the additional costs that counties and the City of New York would have to incur in establishing and staffing early voting locations.