Assembly to Hold Hearing on HAVA Compliance

On December 1st, the Assembly will hold a public hearing on state and local compliance with the federal Help America Vote Act (HAVA).

The joint hearing by the Assembly’s Election Law Committee and Subcommittee on Election Day operations and Voter Disenfranchisement will “examine the impact of the enacted SFY 2011-2012 State Budget on New York State’s implementation of the Help America Vote Act on the State Board of Elections and local boards of elections.”

The hearing will be held at 250 Broadway, Room 1923 in Manhattan at 10:30 am.

According to the hearing notice:

The transition to full HAVA compliance has been costly, both in the purchase of new voting systems and in the human resources necessary to train poll workers and educate the public about the new voting systems.

This hearing is intended to examine these issues, in light of the resources allocated in the enacted SFY 2011-12 State Budget for HAVA implementation and identify any legislation or other resources that may be needed to promote the efficient administration of elections.