Court Hears Arguments on NYC Campaign Finance Case; Candidate Allowed to Raise More than Law Permits

On Monday, the State Supreme Court in Manhattan heard arguments on New York City mayoral candidate’s George McDonald’s challenge to the city’s campaign finance limits. (Read my prior post on the topic here.)

The city’s campaign finance law allows candidates for citywide office to raise $4,950 from individuals. The state’s limits are $19,500 for the primary and $41,100 for the general election.

The court did not issued a ruling in the case, but McDonald’s campaign and the city’s corporation counsel agreed that that McDonald can collect contributions over the city maximum of $4,950, but he cannot spend these funds.  Pending the resolution of the lawsuit, any money he raises that exceeds the city’s limit will be placed in a segregated account pending the outcome of the lawsuit.

Read news coverage in the New York World and the Wall Street Journal.