Liu Hires Former State Attorney General to Review His Campaign Finances

New York City Comptroller John Liu said yesterday that his campaign has hired former state attorney general Robert Abrams to review the finance records of his campaign committee, Friends of John Liu.

Earlier this month, a report in the New York Times identified problems with some of the donations to that committee.  (Read my prior blog post on this here.)

Liu, a former New York City Council member who was elected City Comptroller in 2009, is considered a candidate for New York City Mayor in 2103.

Abrams is a partner at Stroock & Stroock & Lavan, a New York City law firm.

The Times said that “It was not clear what kind of resources [Abrams] would have, or how much he was being paid; neither he nor a campaign spokeswoman responded to requests for more information.

According to Liu’s statement, the review is expected to be completed within 60 days.