New York State Seeks Waiver on Earlier Primary Date

The Gannett newspapers are reporting that  the Governor and legislative leaders have agreed change the state’s September primary date in 2013, and that the state is seeking a waiver from the federal government that will allow New York hold its primaries in September next year.

As my earlier post on the topic explained, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a motion last week seeking to force the state to move its primary to at least 80 days before the Nov. 6, 2012, elections, which would be mid-August.  A hearing on the matter is scheduled for Oct. 20.

The article does not indicate the date to which the Governor and legislative leaders have agreed.  Unless they announce it, we may have to wait to see their reply papers.

The article also notes that moving the 2012 primary date earlier in the year will impact the redistricting process, so a waiver will take some of the pressure to do a redistricting plan sooner rather than later.