NYPIRG Report Focuses on Bundling of Campaign Contributions by Lobbyists

The New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG) has issued a report analyzing “Albany’s ‘Pay-to Play’ Culture, looking at political donations by lobbyists and their clients.

The report includes a chart of the 25 highest-giving lobbying firms, and notes that a number of states place limits on political donations by lobbyists.

Perhaps the most interesting part of the report is the case its “case study” on bundling, which “presents a case study of likely bundling by examining donations made by entities linked to the lobbying firm Featherstonhaugh, Wiley & Clyne, LLP.”

The report does note that the bundling of campaign donations is not illegal in New York State, nor are those who engage in the “bundling” of campaign donations required to report their bundling.

The report’s focus on Featherstonhaugh, et al., is probably not a coincidence, given all of the recent attention that has been paid to the New York Gaming Association (the group of racino owners led by James Featherstonhaugh) and its donations to the pro-Cuomo Committee to Save New York.