Health Headlines for Thursday, August 30

Health-care expert: Single-payer system is a solution in search of a problem

The Hill

Health-care expert Ceci Connolly on Wednesday compared implementing a single-payer system in the U.S. to a “solution in search of a problem.”

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Single-payer health care an issue in New York governor’s race


Single-payer health care for New York has become an issue in the race for governor.

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Obamacare tied to fewer uninsured hospitalizations for heart disease, cancer


With increased access to insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), known as Obamacare, fewer uninsured patients have been hospitalized for serious heart conditions, a U.S. study suggests.

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‘Medicare for All’ Is a Fantasy

The Atlantic Op-Ed

“Medicare for All” is an enormously popular slogan, as evidenced by a slew of recent surveys.

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A Little-Known Windfall for Some Hospitals, Now Facing Big Cuts

New York Times

Most hospitals are nonprofit and justify their exemption from taxation with community service and charity care.

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