Health Headlines for Thursday, December 17

In Likely Spending Plan, Congress Readies Blows to Obama’s Health Care Law

New York Times

In a big package of tax and spending legislation that Congress is likely to approve this week, Republicans have forced President Obama to swallow three changes that undermine his signature health care law, including a two-year delay of a tax on high-cost insurance plans provided by employers to workers.

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Martin Shkreli Arrested on Fraud Charges

New York Times

Martin Shkreli, a pharmaceutical entrepreneur and former hedge fund manager who has been widely criticized for drug price gouging, was arrested Thursday morning by the federal authorities.

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Electronic health records expanding to create ‘seamless care’ for Fort Drum soldiers, families

Watertown Daily Times

Active-duty Fort Drum soldiers and their family members can now receive seamless medical care both on and off post, thanks to a recent expansion of the north country’s health information exchange.

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Oneida Healthcare nurses rally for increased staffing

Oneida Daily Dispatch 

Dozens of nurses from Oneida Healthcare and surrounding hospitals lined Route 5 in Oneida Wednesday afternoon demanding management increase staffing levels.

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Governor signs health insurance oversight bill

Albany Times Union

Gov. Scott Walker has signed a bill that gives the Legislature’s budget committee oversight of any contract moving Wisconsin public workers into a self-insurance system.

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