Health Headlines for Tuesday, August 9

Future of drug pricing: paying for benefits not per pill


Global pressure on health spending is forcing the $1 trillion-a-year pharmaceutical industry to look for new ways to price its products: charging based on how much they improve patients’ health, rather than how many pills or vials are sold.

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Mediterranean diet may help maintain brain health


Elderly people who follow a Mediterranean-style diet may benefit from better brain health and a lower risk for cognitive impairment later in life, according to a new U.S. study.

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An Alternative Form of Mental Health Care Gains a Foothold

New York Times

Some of the voices inside Caroline White’s head have been a lifelong comfort, as protective as a favorite aunt.

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Cancer-Drug Ads vs. Cancer-Drug Reality

New York Times

Two days into a long-dreamed-of family vacation to Italy in August 2013, my wife, Ronna, became nauseated, unusually tired and short of breath.

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Federal Officials Seek To Stop Social Media Abuse Of Nursing Home Residents


Federal health regulators have announced plans to crack down on nursing home employees who take demeaning photographs and videos of residents and post them on social media.

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