Health Headlines for Tuesday, September 6
The Incredible Shrinking Obamacare
New York Times
During the debate over Obamacare, both supporters and opponents assumed the giant law would transform the American health care system.
Drug Linked to Ohio Overdoses Can Kill in Doses Smaller than a Snowflake
New York Times
On the day he almost died, John Hatmaker bought a packet of Oreos and some ruby-red Swedish Fish at the corner store for his 5-year-old son. He was walking home when he spotted a man who used to sell him heroin.
Classroom standing desks may help kids slim down
Standing desks in classrooms could help children maintain a healthy body weight, a new study suggests.
Vitamin D tablets may help reduce asthma attacks, review finds
The world’s 300 million asthma sufferers could help reduce their risk of severe asthma attacks by taking vitamin D supplements as well as their standard asthma medicines, according to the findings of a review of international trial evidence.
Researchers Confront an Epidemic of Loneliness
New York Times
The woman on the other end of the phone spoke lightheartedly of spring and of her 81st birthday the previous week.
Vitamin B12 as Protection for the Aging Brain
New York Times
As a woman of a certain age who consumes a well-balanced diet of all the usual food groups, including reasonable amounts of animal protein, I tend to dismiss advice to take a multivitamin supplement.