Health Headlines for Tuesday, March 29

Medicaid cost shift to NYC a budget issue, legislator says

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s proposal to shift some state costs for the Medicaid health care system to New York City is one of the last and thorniest issues surrounding the state budget being debated behind closed doors, according to one senior legislator.

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A penny promise to keep: Cuomo must make sure that state budget doesn’t cut New York City’s Medicaid or CUNY funding
Daily News

As the state budget moves toward adoption in Albany, it’s opportune to remind New Yorkers of a promise made by one Andrew M. Cuomo on Jan. 14.: “At the end of the day, what you’ll see is it won’t cost New York City a penny.”

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N.Y. budget likely to see increases for addiction services
Times Union

The 2016-176 state budget is likely to lead to an increased investment in addiction services compared to recent years, according to John Coppola, executive director of the Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Providers of New York State.

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State estimates half of eligible patients received medical marijuana
Politico New York

Nearly three months into the launch of the state’s medical marijuana program, the Cuomo administration estimates that roughly half of the patients deemed eligible have received the drug, a Department of Health spokesman told POLITICO New York.

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