Assembly To Take Up Resolution Calling on Congress to Overturn Supreme Court’s Decision in Citizens Union

The State Assembly is calling for Congress to overturn Citizens United.

On Tuesday, the Assembly Election Law Committee will take up Assembly Resolution 1016 (Brennan), which memorializes Congress “to propose an amendment to the US Constitution to provide that corporations are not entitled to the entirety of protections or rights of natural persons.”

The resolution is critical of the Supreme Court’s 2010 decision in Citizen’s United v. Federal Elections Commission, arguing that it “will allow unprecedented amounts of corporate money to influence the American political process, which constitutes a direct threat to our democratic institutions.”

The New York Times editorial board makes a similar argument in today’s editions:

The flood of money unleashed this election season is a direct consequence of this naïve, damaging view, which has allowed wealthy organizations and individuals to drown out other voices in the campaign.