Reaction to Ethics Reform Bill

Now that there is an actual bill available, the reactions are coming in.

On the news side, some interesting details begin to emerge:

New York Times: “The actual language of legislation to improve ethics enforcement in Albany may be weaker than was expected from a summary of the bill.”

Wall Street Journal (subscription required) “[T]he state’s new ethics body may be destined for legal challenges in federal court.”

New York Law Journal: “Ethics Bill Provides Exceptions to Client Disclosure Requirements.”

Albany Times Union: “State officials would be required to disclose their outside income within $100,000.”

Editorial board reaction is mixed:

Glens Falls Post-Star: “Ethics reform bill falls short”

Buffalo News: “…this agreement represents major change in the way Albany does business. Hopefully, it’ll be effective change.”

Albany Times Union: “Proposed ethics reform has some glaring loopholes that raise questions about whether politicians will still be able to protect their cronies with impunity.”

The Oneonta Daily Star:  “While the package is far from perfect, it just might allow citizens to mention Albany politicians and ethics in the same sentence without giggling.”