US Supreme Court to Take up Case on Aggregate Limits on Campaign Donations

The US Supreme Court has agreed to hear McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission, which challenges the federal cap on the amount of contributions that an individual can make.  The plaintiff (a conservative activist and businessman who is working in conjunction with the Republican National Committee) argues that the overall limit on the aggregate amount individuals may contribute to all candidates and committees in a two-year period is unconstitutionally low and is not supported by a sufficient governmental interest.

Read the FEC’s summary of the case here.

Campaign finance advocates are concerned that this case could become “Citizens United 2.0” – an opportunity for the Supreme Court to eliminate aggregate donation limits.

The New York Times editorial board expresses its concern that the Court may “blow up a central piece of what remains of campaign finance regulation.”

As the issue of contribution limits has not been addressed by the Court since the mid-1970’s, this case could have far-reaching impacts, and will closely watched.