Health Headlines for Monday, December 14

New York Medicaid spending soars on Hep C drugs

Politico New York

New York State’s Medicaid program spent nearly $185 million on hepatitis C drugs during the second quarter of 2015, accounting for more than 6 percent of all drug spending.

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How doctors can save everyone a fortune

New York Post Op-Ed

I’m a doctor with a miracle drug. Three of them, in fact. Their names are Avastin, Lucentis and Eylea. I use them to treat the No. 1 cause of blindness in Americans over 65: wet age-related macular degeneration.

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Medical marijuana on track, but questions remain


New York health officials and the manufacturers say they are on track to start providing medical marijuana to critically ill patients next month.

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Transforming a Child’s Life With Glasses

New York Times

Put eyeglasses on children who can’t see clearly and you can turn their lives around. That is the aim of a terrific program called ChildSight, run by Helen Keller International, which each year screens up to 100,000 middle school and high school children in poor communities throughout the country and provides glasses to those who need them.

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