Health Headlines for Friday, November 11

End of Obamacare could cost New York $850M

Albany Times Union

President-elect Donald Trump’s intention to repeal and replace the federal Affordable Care Act could affect New York’s budget, to the tune of at least $850 million a year.

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NY braces for legal marijuana in Massachusetts

Poughkeepsie Journal

A vote Tuesday in Massachusetts to legalize recreational marijuana may have a significant impact on its border state New York.

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Potential repeal of Obamacare puts Christie in a tough spot


President-elect Donald Trump’s “repeal and replace” stance on Obamacare puts New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie — and more than a dozen other Republican governors who chose to expand Medicaid — in a tough spot.

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HHS watchdog office steps up focus on drug pricing

Stat News

Seeking to address rising concerns about prescription medicines, the watchdog arm of the US Department of Health Human Services is adding to its list of pharmaceutical issues to be examined.

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