Health Headlines for Wednesday, May 18

Senate report lists 48 ways to combat heroin epidemic

Albany Times Union/Blog

The state Senate Task Force on Heroin and Opioid Addiction released its 2016 report Tuesday with 48 recommendations for addressing the state’s epidemic of drug abuse.

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Oscar asking for rate increases as high as 30 percent

Capital New York

Oscar, the 3-year-old health insurance start-up, is asking the state to allow up to a 30-percent rate increase for plans the company sells on the individual health insurance exchange.

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Licensed marijuana growers to lobby for expanded patient eligibility

Capital New York

The five companies awarded licenses to grow and sell medical marijuana in New York have joined forces to lobby lawmakers for changes to the state’s Compassionate Care Act.

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Novartis Pharmaceuticals Head to Depart Amid Restructuring

Wall Street Journal

Novartis AG said its head of pharmaceuticals, David Epstein, is to leave the company amid a restructuring that will split his role in two.

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Obama administration backs California health-plan tax

Albany Times Union

President Barack Obama’s administration is approving California’s plan to restructure health-plan taxes to generate money for Medi-Cal, which provides health coverage to the poor.

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